Traffic Compliance Can Save Your Life

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traffic compliance can save your life

This article, Traffic Compliance Can Save Your Life, gives reasons why traffic rules and signs are important to your safety as well as others on the road.

The most significant reason for traffic compliance is avoidance of collision and safety maintenance. For instance, appropriate safety signs that warn of obstacles or dangers on the road will help reduce your risk of harm and accidents and maintain general order and safety. Besides that, compliance with traffic rules reduces anxiety, stress, road rage, confusion, physical injury, or even death.

So in order to save lives, specific traffic rules are legislated to resolve safety concerns. And if these rules are complied with, about 90% of traffic accidents will be avoided.  In many states, there are traffic compliance and enforcement agencies that manage traffic operations. How traffic compliance can save your life and reasons, why traffic rules must be observed, are detailed below:

Traffic Signs Direct You To Where You Are Going

traffic compliance can save your life

If you’re not familiar with the route you are taking or going somewhere you haven’t been before, signs help to direct you to your destination.  Aside from GPS technology, if you didn’t have things like street signs or directional signs, you would have a hard time finding your way. These types of signs make travelling much easier and make driving less stressful for you.

Other road users like pedestrians and cyclists also rely on traffic rules and signs. For example, pedestrian crossing signs let pedestrians know where they can safely cross the road. And they warn drivers to respond to the presence of pedestrians. Similarly, cyclists depend on many of the same traffic signs and rules as drivers.

Non-compliance to Traffic Rules Increase Accidents

traffic compliance can save your life

The increase in accidents is due to violations of traffic laws. When these rules are violated, there is road chaos which affects everyone around. Very often these accidents are due to excessive speeding, signal violations, overtaking, inattention, and the use of mobile phones. As a result, whether you are in a vehicle or not, you must display caution when travelling on the road.

Exceeding the Speed Limit Can Kill

The faster you drive a vehicle, the more challenging it is to avoid collisions and the more damage is great if one occurs. Hence exceeding the speed limit is seen as reckless driving that puts your life and others at risk.

And worse is driving above the speed limit in bad weather. For example, there are fatal accidents that occurred on icy roads or during heavy rainfall.  Therefore, slow down and keep spacing between yourself and the cars ahead of you if the highway is wet. And prepare to slow down suddenly, such as when leaving a highway, experiencing extreme curves on a double-lane road, or entering housing or pedestrian transportation areas.

Not Adopting Measures To Make Travelling Safer

traffic compliance can save your life

These days, you are expected to google for traffic density reports before leaving your home. This will allow you to note congestion areas and decide on a travel plan.   In many cases, accidents are caused when you believe you can drive quicker than the circumstances permit.  Or you are in a huge rush to get to your desired location. But it is best to adjust your driving to the situations of the road to avoid harming innocent people, such as building extra time to reach your intended destination.

Late is Better Than To Be Late

The phrase “late is better than to be late” means apologizing for a late appointment is a preferable option than hurrying for an appointment and winding up dead. So if you are late, apologize upon arrival rather than put your life and others at risk. As such, allow enough time to get to your destination, pay attention to weather conditions and use common sense.  

Put L Plate in Front and Back of Your Car

traffic compliance can save your life

A L-plate is a square plate bearing a letter L for learners that must be fixed to the front and/or back of your vehicle. This is required for beginners who are kept safe in the event of a collision. Also, the L sign makes the car recognizable to other drivers and encourages cautious driving from an overzealous driver.

Wearing Your Seat Belt

traffic compliance can save your life

Seat belt also known as the safety belt must be worn at all times. Wearing your seat belts is not only the law but may also keep you from having a fatal speeding accident. A safety belt decreases the possibility and brutality of damage in a movement collision by preventing the vehicle occupier or occupants.  This is by keeping you and other occupants adequately situated to benefit from the airbag, and by stopping occupants from being forcibly removed from the vehicle.

Equip Your Vehicle With Illumination Items

Vehicle illumination is needed because you and other innocent civilians would risk severe or even fatal accidents without them. As such, all vehicles must have functional headlights, tail lights, fog lamps, and turn indicators to ensure safety on the road. For instance, headlamps help you see in low visibility conditions. Taillights allow other drivers to see you in low-visibility areas. Turn signals warn others of your mobility and alert other drivers that your activity is about to change.

Don’t Drive While Intoxicated

Another rule that must be abided by is not driving while intoxicated. This is because when you’re compromised; your ability to manoeuvre a car is imperfect which leads to accidents. In today’s world, heavy drinking is the leading cause of automobile accidents, so everyone must use specific abilities to keep safe while travelling.


Traffic compliance can save your life for many reasons as explained in this article. After all, if you don’t obey traffic rules, you may be endangering not only your health and welfare but also the life and safety of others. Thus, to save yourself and the driver on the highway, you should act responsibly by 1. Complying with traffic laws and maintaining a safe operation.  2. Anticipating and reacting to danger by checking the lighting of other vehicles. 3. Obeying all road signs including but not limited to speed limit, stop signs, right-of-way signs, yield signs and red lights.

Article Sponsored by Ogun State Traffic Compliance Enforcement Agency (TRACE)

TRACE: Road Traffic Safety Education Message

Photo Credit: Creative Commons

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