Heart Friendly And Fast Healthy Foods

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heart friendly and fast healthy foods

Heart friendly and fast healthy foods are often seen as difficult to achieve as well as contradictory. But that isn’t the case. The fact is that healthy foods, which are also heart smart, can be simple snacks found in your home and fast-food eateries. So, if you’re conscious of your weight, there are comfort foods that are diet-friendly. And if you are worried about your heart, there are some heart-smart snacks that support this powerful organ. Then again if you love fast food eateries, you can make wise choices that won’t derail your healthy eating habit.

Foods That Boost Energy And Mood

9 Diet-Friendly Comfort Foods

Very often you use food to comfort yourself in response to emotions. But unfortunately, many favorites are loaded with calories, fat, and sugar. Hence, find below a list of common comfort foods with lower-calorie swaps.  


Refuse: 2 slices (1/8 of 12-in pie) cheese baked pizza (290 calories, 8 grams fat)
Choose: 1 slice (1/8 of 12-in pie) cheese-baked pizza (145 calories, 4 grams fat)  

Ice Cream

Refuse: 1 cup soft-serve frozen  ice cream (375 calories, 23 grams fat)
Choose: 1 cup hardened ice cream (270 calories, 14 grams fat)

Potato Crisps

Refuse: potato crisps, 1 ounce (160 calories, 11 grams fat) 
Choose: soy crisps, 1 ounce (110 calories, 3 grams fat – plus protein and fiber, bonus!)   


Refuse: 2 slices white bread with butter (260 calories, 10 grams fat) 
Choose: 2 slices whole wheat bread with 2 tsp peanut butter (160 calories, 6 grams fat, and 8 grams fiber)


heart friendly and fast healthy foods

Refuse: beef cheeseburger (1100 calories, 80 grams fat) 
Choose: chicken burger with lettuce, tomato, onion, and ketchup on half the Bun (334 calories, 13 grams fat) 

French Fries

Refuse: large French fries (600 calories, 33 grams fat) 
Choose: baked sweet potato fries (220 calories, 0 grams fat)

Chicken Wings

healthy friendly and fast healthy foods

Refuse: fried chicken wings with mayonnaise dressing (620 calories, 50 grams fat) 
Choose: baked chicken breast with hot sauce (120 calories, 1.5 grams fat) 


Refuse: traditional macaroni and cheese, 2 cups (880 calories, 40 grams fat)  
Choose: whole wheat macaroni mixed with ½ cup tomato sauce and 2 tbsp parmesan cheese, 2 cups (420 calories, 5 grams fat) 


Refuse: four chocolate chip cookies, commercial type (200 calories, 10 grams fat) 
Choose: two chocolate chip cookies, commercial type (100 calories, 5 grams fat)  

Heart Smart Snacks

Scientists used to think of these heart-smart snacks as junk food. But research shows that eating moderate portions of these snacks may actually help your heart when eaten as part of a healthy diet.

Dark Chocolate

An ounce of dark chocolate contains 10 times more antioxidants than a strawberry. In addition, a diet containing about an ounce of chocolate a day increases your good cholesterol and prevents bad cholesterol from oxidizing, a process that may lead to heart disease.


heart friendly and fast healthy foods

Because they are rich in healthy fats, vitamin E, and phytochemicals, eating a handful of nuts, peanuts, almonds, and even cashews, more than twice a week appears to lower your risk of heart disease.


heart friendly and fast healthy foods

Yes, it is high in cholesterol. However, the omega-3 fatty acids and other nutrients that you get from shrimp still make it a good, very low-calorie snack.


Yes, tuck into avocados because they are a great source of heart-healthy monounsaturated fat. So, the simplest way to eat avocados is by sprinkling them with a pinch of salt and pepper. You can also slice them into salads, soups, on toast, scrambled eggs, or mash them with lime as in guacamole.

Fast-Food Eatery Choices

The ideal is to pack a nutritious sandwich from home to ensure heart friendly and fast healthy food choices. But in many houses, that isn’t always possible. So when making the lifestyle choice to grab a quick bite, weigh the options in terms of what foods can boost your energy and mood. There is formidable research on how some foods boost mood and brainpower while others knock you for an emotional loop, even though they taste good at the time. So what are your wisest choices out there?

Peking soup

heart friendly and fast healthy foods

Anytime you’re craving something oriental, a wise choice is Peking soup. The soup is not only nutritiously healthy, but also delicious with chunks of tofu, veggies, and pieces of chicken breast. The spring rolls are tempting but you can do without those deep-fried snacks.

Chicken meal

heart friendly and fast healthy foods

Chicken, whether fried, roast, grilled, barbequed, or stripped, is the most popular protein dish you can have on the run. Therefore, a good choice is a chicken meal with vegetable rice or pasta and salad. Another option is a chicken wrap with bits of salad and mild pepper sauce.  Also, ask for half the tomato sauce and mayonnaise in your chicken wrap. And if you are still hungry, fill up with fresh salad rather than fries.

Boiled plantain and vegetables

A combination of boiled plantains and stewed green vegetables is a great way to enjoy heart friendly and fast healthy foods. This is the reason that plantains contain fiber, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants to fight free radicals and support your immune system. Thus, boiled plantains with stewed vegetables will put you in a good mood zone for peak energy,


Photo Credit: Creative Commons

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