Simple Hair Care Tips For Healthy Hair

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simple hair tips for health hair

Simple hair care tips for healthy hair are flexible guidelines to help nurture, protect, restore, and improve the softness of your hair, whatever your hair type, texture, or structure.

Lustrous and healthy hair has always been a valuable asset to self-esteem. While hair can be tailored towards fashion trends: natural, colored, straightened, bleached, braided, or dreads. However, too much attention alongside the effects of poor diet, stress, and harsh weather, can give you more bad hair days than you want. So, from how to treat different hair problems to fabulous ways to nourish your natural afro hair, the following simple hair tips for healthy hair are just what you need to keep your confidence soaring.

Avoid Hair Breakage

To avoid breakage, don’t be rough on your hair. For instance, use your finger to detangle your hair or use a wide-toothed comb. Avoid relaxers, bleach-based hair dyes, blow dryers, and hair straighteners.

Keep Scalp Healthy And Dandruff-free

simple hair care tips for healthy hair

Harsh hair products, microbial fungus, build-up of serum, and dry scalp can cause dandruff. By washing your hair regularly, you will rid your scalp of pollution, and keep it healthy, and dandruff-free. But if you have dandruff medicated shampoos can best treat dandruff. Just be sure to rinse thoroughly after using medicated shampoo.

Stop Hair Loss

To prevent hair loss, avoid tight braids or extensions, relaxers, and hair bleaches. Your braids should not be smaller than the size of a regular pencil. Ideally should be larger. Apply almond oil to the scalp and massage.  Avoid stress triggers and run away from stressful moments.

Treat Itchy Scalp

Sensitivity to hair products causes an itchy scalp. But washing your hair regularly will help keep itchiness away. However, you need to use shampoos that are sulfate and silicone-free, and gentle on your scalp. Also, avoid tight hairstyles, and keep your scalp moisturized.

Use Right Shampoo

simple hair care tips for healthy hair

Shampoos remove dirt and grease build-up from your hair. They are available in different formulas to suit all hair types and conditions. You may find it necessary to use one type of shampoo on your scalp, and a different, gentler shampoo on the drier hair further from your head.

Repair Damaged Hair

simple hair care tips for healthy hair

Frequent perming can damage hair’s protective outer layer, known as the cuticle. The result is split ends. As such, deep conditioners are needed to restore the natural luster and shine of your hair. Thankfully, there are hair products to help mend the damage.  Yves Rocher reparation repair 2-in-1 mask will strengthen your hair structure and make it more resistant to breakage.

And for very dry permed hair, coconut oil is a simple, very rich conditioner. Simply take a small amount between your fingers and gently rub it to the tips. Likewise, homemade Aloe Vera rinse has a gentle effect on chemically damaged hair.

Trim Your Hair Often

One of the simple hair care tips for healthy hair is to trim off split ends regularly. Split ends signify hair damage which you must chop off. Otherwise, the split end will damage your hair further. Hence every two weeks, you should check your hair for split ends and chop them off. You can do this yourself or get a hairstylist to do it for you.

Be Gentle With Styling

Be aware that any hair styling tools that require heat will have some damaging effects on your hair. Therefore, use these tools on odd occasions. Combing should not be rough. Begin by combing out the ends of your hair. Then comb a slightly longer section down towards the tips. Work your way up the length of your hair in this way, until you can comb from your scalp to the tips easily.

Use Mild Colours For Grey

As you get older, hair goes grey, grows more slowly, and becomes weaker. Although frequent dyeing can damage the hair, it doesn’t seem to affect your health. Nonetheless, any colors used should be gentle to avoid hair damage. Natural plant-based colors like henna are particularly good on hair and last six washes.

Protect Hair From Harsh Weather

Wind and cold can be harsh on your hair making hair brittle and dry. You will need to use a richer conditioner, especially on the hair tips. For more protection, wear your hair in a bun or braids to stop your hair from being blown around in the wind. Similarly, hot harsh weather also presents a challenge to natural Afro hair. It removes moisture, making your hair frizzy and unmanageable. In addition to the conditioner, cover your hair with a hat, or scarf.

Massage Your Scalp Regularly

Massaging your scalp often helps maintain a healthy scalp and promotes hair growth.  Therefore, insist on a massage anytime you visit your salon. Yves Rocher Repair oil is ideal for that purpose. It contains babassu oil and macadamia oils to nourish your scalp, strengthen your hair, and promote hair growth.

Eat Healthily

Nutritious meals are essential for your body as well as your hair. For stronger hair growth, eat fruits, vegetables, poultry, eggs, whole grains, and dairy products. For a healthy scalp, eat salmon, walnuts, and avocados. And in order to keep your hair hydrated, eat green leafy vegetables like spinach and asparagus. Equally, don’t forget to drink your 8 glasses of water every day.

Get Adequate Sleep

The way to healthier hair is to get adequate hours of sleep. So be sure to get 8 hours of sleep daily. If you do not get enough sleep, you will experience hair loss. As the hair and follicle become weaker due to physical stress. But when you are properly rested, your hair will feel better and your hair will benefit also.

Nourish Your Natural Afro Hair

Natural hair is trending but brings its own problems. Whereas natural afro hair is full, it can be heavy, coarse, frizzy, and difficult to control. But the following tips will help you manage your natural hair and keep it healthy.


simple hair care tips for healthy hair

Your natural hair needs moisture to prevent it from drying out quickly. So, before styling your hair, apply Yves Rocher’s nourishing nutrition cream. For times when you have braids or twists, use the conditioner to moisturize the scalp and hair. And if you want more protein balance in your hair, you can add honey, avocado, jojoba oil, shea butter, or any other natural oil to your conditioner.

Oil your hair frequently

Oils help your natural hair stay healthy and shiny. For example, coconut oil, olive oil, or avocado oil do great jobs of hydrating the hair. Then again, it is best to apply these oils after the use of a leave-in conditioner. Similarly, oils like Yves Rocher repair oil, Jamaican black castor oil, or Jojoba oil are fabulous for keeping your hair soft and hydrated.

Allow your hair to breathe

The trend to hide your hair under a wig means you go for months without allowing your hair to breathe.  Your braids and twists should be taken out after three months and refreshed. Once you take out a style, deep condition it and let it dry naturally. You can then style your natural hair in various ways such as Bantu knots, flat twists, and high puffs. This will give your hair some breathing space while rocking your stunning natural Afro look as well.

Braid your hair before bed

No matter how tired you feel, don’t go to bed without dividing your hair into a few braids. By braiding your hair before sleep, you are sealing in moisture all through the night. Hence before you retire for the night, braiding should be one of your simple hair care tips for healthy hair. Alternatively, cover your hair with a satin scarf.

Be Aware Of Changes In Your Hair

Finally, being aware of changes in your hair is one of the simple hair care tips for healthy hair. The reason sudden changes in your hair, such as brittle hair or hair loss, could be a sign of a health problem. For example, hair loss can be caused by thyroid cancer, iron deficiency, or an autoimmune disease. Some medications can cause hair loss, too. Do not hesitate to see a dermatologist, if you are concerned about changes in the condition of your hair.

Body Odour Signals Serious Health Problems

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