Why Drugs Don’t Fix Healthy Living

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why drugs don't fix healthy living

Why drugs don’t fix healthy living and what you need to do to quit the drug popping habit and enjoy all the benefits of a healthy lifestyle. The reality is that too many people rely on drugs to fix what healthy living would cure. Few people are living a healthy lifestyle while many have become addicted to pills popping for any little pain or slight twitch. More worrisome, exercise rates have dropped, fruit and vegetable intake has also fallen, and in the meantime, obesity rates have soared.

How to Get the Benefits of Healthy Living

Obesity On The Rise

The latest data suggests the number of obese people in the world has tripled since 1975 to approximately 2.1 billion. This is roughly 30% of the total population, with about 13% of adults being obese and about 39% being overweight. And this number continues to rise.

Increasing Levels Of Inactivity

Similarly, around 1 in 3 women and 1 in 4 men do not do enough physical activity to stay healthy. Hence insufficient activity increased by 5% in high-income countries between 2001 and 2016. Furthermore, as countries develop economically, levels of inactivity increase and can be as high as 70%. This is due to the more use of technology for work and recreation. As well as cultural values and increasing sedentary behaviours.

Low Consumption Of Fruits and Vegetables

why drugs don't fix healthy living

Despite placing more focus on the health benefits of fruits and vegetables, consumption is below the recommended intake among adults, especially in developing countries. A recent report found that only 10% of adults are eating the recommended daily serving of vegetables. Only 12.3% are consuming enough fruit. Even with the current ‘5 A day’ message, a wide gap exists between the recommended and actual intake. While many are not receiving the quantity or variety of fruits and vegetables that they should have.

Why It’s Not Too Late To Live Healthily

why drugs don't fix healthy living

There is no mystery behind the high levels of diabetes and high blood pressure since they are directly related to healthy habits. But it’s never too late to change. By living a healthy lifestyle you can produce superb effects on your overall health and even extend your life.

Therefore, it’s important to rely more on diet and exercise and not on drugs to lower blood pressure and cholesterol. And equally, prevent diabetes and heart disease. Remember taking a pill doesn’t mean you can eat what you want. The fact remains that no pills are as potent and as powerful as a healthy lifestyle.

However, the bad news is that from cost to convenience, modern food favours the consumption of highly processed, low-nutrient, high-calorie foods. Likewise, sedentary life is nurtured by modern life from hectic schedules to constant stress, and labour-saving technology. But while it’s regrettable, it’s also a dose of reality.  However, eating well, being active, and in general, taking good care of yourself and your family lie along the paths of lesser resistance to a healthy lifestyle.

Why Drugs Don’t Fix Healthy Living

why drugs don't fix healthy living

It’s beneficial to eat your fruits and vegetables and exercise more to reduce obesity. Also, you need to get back to the basics of healthy lifestyles and stop taking the easy way out through pills. In any case, pills are not as effective as a healthy lifestyle in preventing cardiovascular disease. As well as helping to maintain your vitality through the middle and later years. Besides consistent studies revealed that lifestyle behaviours, such as dietary patterns, physical activity level and tobacco use, influence both the likely quantity and quality of life in your years.

Bottom Line

Why drugs don’t fix healthy living is a warning to dump your pill-popping habit and nurture a healthy lifestyle instead. So, there are three ways to do this. First, you must increase your intake of nutritious foods, fruits and vegetables to enjoy their protective effects against non-communicable diseases. Second, it’s essential to increase your level of physical activity to curb obesity and overweight. Third, indulge in an all-inclusive healthy lifestyle.

Finally, enhancing these three ways is essential for health promotion. Additionally, with a well-planned behaviour focused on nutrition and exercise, you can significantly improve your health.


Photo Credit: Creative Commons

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