Using Herbal Therapy For Health

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using herbal therapy for health

8 Alternative Therapies For Cancer

Using herbal therapy for health is about knowing the basic principles of herbal therapy and how to start using them daily for greater health. Have you heard about the wonders of herbal home remedies for treating various health ailments, but have no idea how to start? Often, this is because there are thousands of herbs that exist, and are impossible to know all. Well, let’s begin with a general preview of using herbal therapy for health. Using herbal therapy for health will examine the uses and benefits of ginger, thyme, peppermint, and tea.  

Using Herbal Therapy for Health: General Preview

using herbal therapy for health

In using herbal therapy for health, the first question is what are herbal home remedies and how do they work? Usually, herbal therapy refers to the use of medicinal plants to help with healing and create better overall health. Herbal therapy is one of the oldest forms of medicine often referred to as alternative medicine. In fact, any form of healing, other than using synthetic conventional drug therapy and surgery, is considered an alternative.

How do herbal home remedies work?

They work because there are lots of plants that contain beneficial chemical properties. A lot of these compounds are also being added to commercially manufactured pharmaceutical drugs today. For example, a lot of plants contain saponins, which are well known for helping in the bowel elimination process and helping to break down excess mucus. A lot of plants also contain tannins, which are chemical compounds that can slow down the bleeding.

Ways To Derive Benefits

There are various ways to derive benefits from herbal home remedies. Most commonly they are drunk in tea. Tea can be prepared in a tincture, which is a concentrated liquid extract. There are plenty of different kinds of herbs that can be eaten fresh. Many herbs can be used as compresses, creams, poultices, and salves. They are also commonly used in external applications in the form of essential oils. Today, a lot of these herbs are becoming available in herbal capsules or tablets.

A large number of these medicinal herbs are used to treat specific conditions, boost overall health, or support other types of treatments. For instance, some of them can help reduce the side effects of some prescription drugs. However, care is needed because they may also interact negatively with your prescription drugs.

using herbal therapy for health

Notwithstanding, herbal home remedies can be very effective in daily use. They can also treat chronic conditions, which include diabetes, arthritis, memory problems, and cardiovascular disease.

Be Safety Conscious

Lastly, you have to understand that just because herbs are natural does not always mean that they are safe. Herbal home remedies can have powerful effects. It certainly helps to know more about the herb that you are using. In addition, when large doses of potent herbal treatments are taken, they can become toxic. As such, if you want to start using herbal remedies for your health, then you must gain acquire knowledge about herbs. This can be done by seeing a trained herbalist or naturopath doctor or by finding out more about how they work and their effects on the body.

Using Herbal Therapy for Health: List Of Natural Herbs

Ginger Root

using herbal therapy for health

Ginger root is a remedy for appetite loss and motion sickness. However, ginger root is also taken to loosen phlegm, relieve gas, and tighten the tissues.  Asian treatment is used for asthma, shortness of breath, water retention, earache, diarrhoea, nausea, and vomiting. In addition, homeopathic practitioners recommend it for sexual disorders.

Although ginger prevents vomiting, it should not be taken for morning sickness. People with gallstones should avoid it unless their doctor approves it.


using herbal therapy for health

Peppermint has been used for liver and gallbladder complaints, loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, respiratory infections, menstrual cramps, toothache, the common cold, cough, and fever. Topically, peppermint has been used for muscle and nerve pain and as an antiseptic. Peppermint may also have other uses than those listed here.

Before taking peppermint, discuss it with your doctor, pharmacist, or health care professional. Firstly, if you have allergies (especially to plants). Secondly, if you have any medical condition. Thirdly, if you take other medicines or other herbal/health supplements. Peppermint may not be recommended in certain situations.


Thyme is recognised today mostly for its culinary benefits.  Thymol, its active ingredient, helps loosen phlegm, arrest bronchial spasms, and discourages the growth of bacteria. Thymol has since been replaced by carbolic acid as a safer, yet effective antiseptic. It is present in popular over-the-counter products like Listerine mouthwash and Vicks Vaporub.

Thyme is also used as a treatment for inflamed sinuses, nose, throat, and larynx, and whooping cough. It is also an antibacterial and deodorant skin rub.  In folk medicine, it is used as a digestive aid, a urinary disinfectant, a diuretic, and an anti-gas medication.  Its effectiveness for such problems has however not been clinically verified.


using herbal therapy for health

High consumption of black tea is associated with a reduced risk of heart disease and heart disease death. Other benefits include cancer prevention; diabetes; high blood pressure; high cholesterol; osteoporosis prevention; sports and fitness support: enhancing performance; and stress control.

Black and green teas are made from the same plant, but black tea has been allowed to oxidize, altering its constituents.

While green tea is high in catechins (especially epigallocatechin gallate, or EGCG), black tea contains relatively high levels of theaflavins, theanine, and thearubigens. Although green tea is more commonly presented as a healthful beverage, traditional black tea too might have health-promoting properties.

Photo Credit: Creative Commons

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