8 Alternative Therapies For Cancer
Grape remedy for cancer: how effective? is a question worth examining in view of the need to find evidence that supports or refutes this therapy for cancer.
Grapes grow wild on vines or are cultivated. The seeds, skin, leaves, stems, and the grape itself are used in herbal remedies. At times in the past, diets consisting solely of grapes have been touted as an alternative means of treating cancer. Some chemicals found in grape extracts (proanthocyanidins) and grape skins (resveratrol) are being studied for possible uses in the prevention and treatment of cancer and other illnesses.
Grape Remedy For Cancer: How Effective?
There is no reliable scientific evidence that a strictly grape diet is effective for treating cancer or any other disease. Some lab evidence suggests that certain chemicals in grapes may help prevent heart disease and cancer. But more research is needed in people to understand the possible long-term benefits.
However, some advocates of grape remedies suggest that the chemicals found in grape seed extract (proanthocyanidins) are powerful antioxidants. Proponents claim that these antioxidants inhibit the development of some types of cancer, and protect against heart disease. In addition, they are useful for treating a variety of medical conditions such as arthritis, allergies, circulatory problems, diabetes, water retention, and vision problems. A compound found in the skins of red grapes (resveratrol) is being studied to see how it affects the development and progression of heart disease and cancer.
Other alternative therapy practitioners recommend the use of grapes and parts of the grape plant for high blood pressure, menopause, high cholesterol, and urination problems. They also claim it works for skin rashes, varicose veins, and inflammation of the gums, throat, eyes, and mouth.
What does Grape Therapy Involve?
Grape supplements
Freshly preserved, dried grapes are used naturally. Or used in the form of liquid extracts, tinctures, gargles, enemas, douches, and compresses. While grape skins are used to make wine. On the other hand, grape seed extract and resveratrol are made into tablets and capsules as dietary supplements.
The amount of these substances in different supplements varies by manufacturer. The optimal doses have yet to be determined. This is because they are sold as dietary supplements (as opposed to drugs). As such, companies that sell them do not have to prove they are effective, or even safe. So long as they do not claim they can prevent, treat, or cure a specific disease.
Grape diet
Although now rarely used, the grape diet was promoted at different times in the 20th century as a treatment to flush toxins from the body. Also, used to protect the body against cancer and virtually all other diseases. Some supporters believe that diet cures cancer.
The complete grape diet begins with fasting and daily enemas for a few days. This is then followed by eating only grapes and drinking only water for 1 or 2 weeks. Thereafter, fresh fruits and sour milk can also be consumed. The next stage of the diet includes raw vegetables, salads, nuts, dairy products, honey, and olive oil. By the final stage of the diet, a person may be allowed to add one cooked meal per day.
What Is The Evidence?
Although some substances in grapes may hold promise against cancer. There is very little reliable scientific evidence that drinking red wine, eating grapes, or following the grape diet can prevent or treat cancer in people.
In addition, some studies have found that people who drink red wine may have lower incidences of lung and prostate cancers. Other several studies have found that a high intake of alcohol is linked to an increase in breast and some other cancers. Regardless of the type.
So the article, Grape Remedy For Cancer: How Effective? concludes that while early research on some substances in grapes is promising, it is very hard to determine the exact role a particular food may have against cancer. A balanced diet that includes 5 or more servings a day of fruits and vegetables is likely to be more effective than eating one particular food in large amounts. This should be done along with foods from a variety of other plant sources such as nuts, seeds, whole grain cereals, and beans.
Any Problems or Complications?
An exclusive grape diet is unhealthy and does not supply the body with adequate amounts of protein and important nutrients, such as vitamin B12. The grape seed extract is believed to be safe, but additional research is needed to confirm.
The amount of resveratrol in red wine varies greatly. Therefore an increased consumption of wine to raise resveratrol intake may pose certain health risks. Alcohol is linked with higher risks of cancers of the mouth, esophagus, breast, pharynx, larynx, and liver in both men and women. So the more the amount of alcohol consumed, the higher the risk of cancer. However, the cardiovascular benefits of moderate drinking (2 drinks a day for men, 1 drink a day for women) may outweigh the risk of cancer in men over age 50 and in women over age 60.
Some substances in grapes may affect how quickly enzymes in the body get rid of certain chemicals. This could possibly affect the blood levels of certain drugs. So, if you are thinking about taking a grape-derived supplement, talk to your doctor.
The possible effects on pregnancy or breastfeeding have not been well studied. In such cases, relying on grape treatment alone, and avoiding conventional medical care, may have serious health consequences.
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