It’s Never Too Late For School

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it's never too late for school

10 Ways To Build Self-Confidence

It’s never too late for school if you are always looking for new challenges, particularly in this jet age when multiple professional certificates are becoming the norm.

4 Things That Can Push You Back To School

Passion for something else

Now one of three things may push you to head for the classroom.  You may have a college degree in law but have another passion for jewelry making, then maybe it’s time to go back to a technical school.

A non-futuristic boss

Another reason could be your boss at work is dancing in the same spot while you’re walking forward a few paces.  You’re full of innovative ideas that will propel the company to international standards.  Unfortunately, he is just too short-sighted for success.  He only sees the risks and the potential billions he may lose, so what does he do? Plays safe. Get my drift?

The desire for a new career

Another reason for your mid-life academic pursuit is that your early child-rearing meant you missed golden career opportunities. Now you are restless and bored.

Mid-life’s sense of urgency to live a dream

Whatever the reason, it’s never too late for school,  and you can do something about it now.  Banish any fear you may have about your forty-something age and the ridicule of being with students the same age as your children.  This is the best time in your life to fulfill that burning dream or make something of your career. There are great opportunities these days for you to work and learn at the same time. More people are successfully changing careers and also changing their work patterns.

it's never too late for school

Also,  the number of mature students entering higher education is increasing. According to one mature student, the reason is the combination of life experiences and enthusiasm when you are 40-plus.  This means this is the perfect time to expand your expertise. There are quite a few options to choose from: First, you can change or build your career. Second, update your skills after raising a family.  Third, rekindle an old hobby or learn something entirely new.  Fourth, you can put in for professional exams to enhance your resume profile and work skill.

3 Women’s Experiences On ‘It’s Never Too Late For School’

Now to speed up your motivation levels, here are three  examples of women for whom it’s never too late for school and their tips

You have always wanted to do a degree

You have always wanted to do a degree but either the time was never right or just did not have the money.  Eventually, the chance presented itself and you enrolled in a sandwich course at a local university.  You may find it difficult at first.  You may be the only mature student in your year, making you feel like a grandmother at times. But you soon get into the flow of things. By your second year, you have built confidence, by the third year you are simply amazing, and by the end of the fourth year, you even received a couple of course awards for best student.

it's never too late for school

It’s never too late for tips about school 

  • Take a risk even if it means changing your lifestyle.
  • Expect the unexpected, so be ready to go with the flow and be more flexible.
  • Your age is a positive asset, so use it to your advantage. You have wisdom that younger students just do not possess

You want to relive a childhood dream

You already have two degrees and doing marvelously well in the Civil Service.  But somehow the job was losing its luster and becoming rather mundane.  You seek new challenges and begin to consider living a childhood dream of being a lawyer. However, it was not until after the birth of your third child that you gave it serious thought. This was partly because of your age (40-plus) and didn’t want to go back to your previous routine job. It was a real watershed period: you have had all your children and time for something completely new and different.

So it was a case of now or never. You got the forms for a part-time law course and enrolled. You went to classes two nights a week and really had to be disciplined by studying during the day while the children were at school.  The house, unfortunately, was not as tidy as it should be but felt it was worth the effort. It was refreshing and fulfilling to do something you had always wanted to do at last.

it's never too late for school

It’s never too late for tips about school

  • Be organized. Learn to work well as a team with your husband.  Discipline is also crucial.
  • Choose a course you will enjoy doing because studying is hard work.
  • Think about doing  ‘A’ level courses so you can sample whatever you want to do before committing yourself big-time.

You decide to go back to your passion

You have always loved working with children, but somehow tread another path in banking. You were alright for a while, the money was good.  You finally left it when you couldn’t stand the late and harrowing work schedule.  In the meantime, to make ends meet, you decided to help out at your children’s school when you noticed an advert for a  course in education and enrolled.

You felt great learning again and somehow quite different from learning as a youth. You bonded well with the rest of the students, and in any case, felt better when you noticed a lot of the people were in a similar situation. You admit it was difficult doing a degree course but you survived by taking each day at a time. To crown it all, you graduated with a First Class, and now teach technical design at a polytechnic, a very rewarding job and worth the trouble.

it's never too late for school

It’s never too late for  tips about school

  • Go for it – It is a more courageous thing to do than living with something you don’t like.
  • Remember there are other mature students like you, so you are not alone
  • Research well. Ask for a prospectus.  Go to open evenings and talk to people.  You never know what is out there until you ask.

3 Tips To Achieve Greatness

Photo Credit: Creative Commons

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